Your Home. Your Peace of Mind. Our Experts.
Overview of Landscape
Checking to make sure services
have been completed i.e. Pool,
Pest and Lawn
Mail delivery package pickup
Visible roof or yard
storm damage
Checking All doors are locked
Checking window screens
Signs of a break-in
lights are working
Assuring gates are locked
Checking pool water levels
Walk through Security Checks
Check All doors
Make sure all windows are locked
Water damage
Signs of mold and mildew
Temperature check of your home making sure Air Conditioner is cooling.
Flushing of toilets
Running water in all sinks
Temperature check on all refrigerators and freezers
Check for signs of bugs and rodents
Run garbage disposal
Assuring security system is armed
Other Services
Meeting deliveries, contractors or moving vans
Drive cars around the block
Meeting guest at your home assuring they have access
Making sure All contract work has been completed
Fresh flowers, wine, and food pick-up
Grocery shopping
Dog/ animal sitting
Now offering House Cleaning
Contact us.